New Year’s packages for “Day care for children and youth with disabilities”

Cooperation between Rotary club Belgrade Dedinje and School for children and youth disrupted in development in Šekspirova 8th in Belgrade continues for the second year in a row. On December 29, 2020, members of the Rotary Club Belgrade Dedinje delighted over 50 students with New Year’s presents. The donation was carried out according to Covid19 regulations, and Rotary Club Belgrade Dedinje delivered the packages to the School managers without the presence of children.

The School includes:

A population of 14 – 53-year-olds with mental developmental disabilities.

People with multiple disabilities.

Beneficiaries with Rett syndrome aged 6 – 20.

There are currently 152 beneficiaries, deployed in 14 groups.

The New Year’s action was also supported this year by company MARS, whose sweets adorned the New Year’s packages of The Rotary Club Belgrade Dedinje.

Our club will strive to continue to help this School in the future.

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